Fastly module 2.20.7

  • Refine condition in vcl_error subroutine for DataDome error handling

Android SDK 1.13.9

  • Optimize connectivity listener permissions in the challenge page
  • Add support of connectivity listener for Android APIs < 21
  • Add a detection of StrictMode's penaltyDeath method

Cloudflare Workers module 1.16.2

  • Inject JS Tag in the <head> tag on HTML responses as recommended by the documentation
  • Handle GraphQL shorthand syntax (no operation type, nor operation name)

JavaScript Tag 4.32.5

  • Collect additional signals
  • Fix a Fetch-related error happening on Safari desktop and mobile browsers

CloudFront Node.js module 1.20.1

  • Log a warning for event types that are not viewer-request

Android SDK 1.13.8

  • Fix ProGuard rule that was preventing JS callback retention, causing challenge resolution issues

Apache module 2.53.2

  • Revert previous cookie handling changes

JavaScript Tag 4.32.1

  • Fix challenge loop for edge cases with sessionByHeader option enabled
  • Fix an issue that caused errors to appear in the console for some requests sent with XMLHttpRequest

Fraud SDK Ruby 2.1.0

  • Add support of score API response field

Android SDK 1.13.7

  • Ensure that the dwsid cookie for SFCC is always injected into a WebView's cookie manager before displaying a challenge