
DataDome Envoy module detects and protects against bot activity.

As part of the regular Envoy process, the module makes a call to one of our Regional Endpoints using a Keep-Alive connection.

Depending on the response, the module will either block the query or let Envoy proceed with the regular process.

The module has been developed to protect the visitors' experience: If any errors were to occur during the process, or if the timeout is reached, the module will automatically disable its blocking process and allow those hits.

Supported versions

DataDome supports Envoy versions until they reach their End of Life date.
You can find the schedule of the Envoy versions in this documentation.

DataDome supports the following versions:

  • 1.29
  • 1.30
  • 1.31
  • 1.32
  • 1.33


Follow the below instructions:

  • Download the latest DataDome module from the following link https://package.datadome.co/linux/DataDome-EnvoyModule-latest.tgz and unzip it in a chosen location. This archive includes:
    • demo: a folder containing examples of docker containers for easy testing
    • datadome.lua: a Lua script to implement the module
  • Place datadome.lua in a chosen location on the server, for example: /etc/envoy/datadome.lua.
  • Update your envoy configuration with the following content:
  - name: main
    - filters:
      - name: envoy.http_connection_manager
          "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager
          use_remote_address: true
          - name: envoy.lua
              "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua
              inline_code: |
                  ['API_KEY'] = 'YOUR KEY HERE',
                  ['API_TIMEOUT'] = 150,

  - name: datadome
    connect_timeout: 0.25s
    type: strict_dns
    lb_policy: round_robin
      cluster_name: datadome
      - lb_endpoints:
        - endpoint:
                address: api.datadome.co
                port_value: 80


Remote Address configuration

use_remote_address is mandatory to allow the module to correctly lookup for the remote IP address. If you use a complex configuration, you may setup this header at Edge proxy.


Our module supports the following settings:

Option nameDefault valueDescription
API_KEYThe key to the Protection API. Must be a valid key.
API_TIMEOUT100Timeout in milliseconds for responses from the Protection API.
DATADOME_CLUSTER_NAMEdatadomeThe name of the cluster that will connect to DataDome as defined in the configuration file.
DATADOME_ENDPOINTapi.datadome.coHost of the Protection API.
DATADOME_TENANT_NAMEdefaultThe unique name of the instance in a multi-tenancy environment. This value identifies tenants and ensures proper assignment of resources.
ENABLE_UNPROTECTED_CACHED_RESPONSEfalseOmit Set-Cookie and enriched headers from responses that can be cached.
URI_PATTERNSOnly send requests matching these patterns (host and path). An empty list means any request is sent.
Never send requests that match these patterns (host and path) to the Protection API. An empty list means all requests are sent.