Regional Endpoints

DataDome technology is deployed in several regions to provide the best latency between your servers and our regional endpoints.
In each region, the architecture is set up to provide high availability through autoscaling technology.
As DataDome relies on real time detection technology, our server availability needs to match our customers' capacity requirements and variations.

Available regional endpoints

DataDome provides three types of endpoints:

  • Geo-proximity: to use by default, if you don’t have any outgoing filter on the 80/443 ports. Geo-proximity will use the closest DataDome dynamic endpoint (see list below) and allows the adoption of the same configuration for various servers in different locations.
  • Dynamic: to use if you want to be in a specific country and you don't have any outgoing filter on the 80/443 ports.
  • Static-IP: to use if you need to open a firewall for fixed IPs.

Geo-proximity endpoint


Dynamic endpoints

RegionCountryDynamic hostname
Asia PacificIndia (Mumbai)
Asia PacificAustralia (Sydney)
Asia PacificAustralia (Melbourne)
Asia PacificJapan (Tokyo)
Asia PacificSouth
Asia PacificHong
Middle EastIsrael (Tel Aviv)
EuropeFrance (Paris)
EuropeIreland (Dublin)
EuropeUK (London)
EuropeGermany (Frankfurt)
EuropePoland (Warsaw)
EuropeSweden (Stockholm)
EuropeItaly (Milan)
EuropeSpain (Madrid)
North AmericaUSA East (Virginia)
North AmericaUSA East (Ohio)
North AmericaUSA Central (Iowa)
North AmericaUSA South Central (Texas)
North AmericaUSA South East (South Carolina)
North AmericaUSA West (N. California)
North AmericaUSA West Central (Utah)
North AmericaUSA West (Oregon)
North AmericaCanada (Montreal)
North AmericaMexico (Mexico City)
South AmericaBrazil (São Paulo)
South AmericaChile (Santiago)
South AfricaSouth Africa (Cape Town)

Static IP endpoints

You can find more information here.

Latency benchmark

We provide a script to test the latency between your web servers and each DataDome region. This bash script will run a few curl commands and print performance results:

sh latency.txt


Windows latency benchmark

The Linux bash script is 100% compatible with cygwin, as an alternative we also provide a PowerShell version of the latency script.

To install cygwin follow the steps below:

1) Download cygwin: [cygwin install](
2) Click on install or update now
3) Chose install from the internet
4) Chose a server
5) Check Full in View and stay in windows.
6) Write "wget" in column "Package"
7) Click on skip and chose version
8) Write "curl" in column "Package"
9) Click in skip and chose version
10) Click on next
11) now you can execute cygwin

To use the PowerShell version

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile pslatency.txt
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File .\pslatency.txt