Alamofire / Moya Integration

How to integration the DataDome SDK with Alamofire / Moya

Version License Platform


Swift Package Manager

DataDomeAlamofire is available on Swift Package Manager. To get the SDK integrated in your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to "Xcode > File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency", select the target where to integrate DataDomeAlamofire
  2. Paste the following git URL in the search bar
  3. Select DataDomeAlamofire and press Add.


DataDomeAlamofire is available on CocoaPods. Simply add the following line in your Podfile:

pod "DataDomeAlamofire"



Dropping support for Carthage

Starting from version 3.6.2, this SDK is not published on Carthage anymore. We encourage you to use SPM instead.

DataDomeAlamofire is available on Carthage. To get the SDK integrated in your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Cartfile if not already created.
  2. Add the following dependency in your project Cartfile
binary ""
  1. Run the following command to fetch and integrate the package
carthage update --use-xcframeworks


Deactivate the automtic interception

When using the DataDomeAlamofire SDK, you will need to deactivate the automatic interception.
To do so, add the following to your info.plist file.



The Alamofire Session

Create your Alamofire Session Manager as shows in the example below:

import DataDomeAlamofire

let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.headers = .default
configuration.httpCookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.shared
configuration.httpShouldSetCookies = true

let dataDome = AlamofireInterceptor()
let interceptor = Interceptor(adapter: dataDome.sessionAdapter, 
                              retrier: dataDome.sessionRetrier)
let alamofireSessionManager = Session(configuration: configuration, 
                                      interceptor: interceptor)

The remainder of your app won't change. Only make sure to use the created alamofireSessionManager to perform your requests.

Request validation


When using Alamofire, make sure you call .validate() for each request to make sure Alamofire does call the retry function and hands the execution to the DataDome SDK in case of a 403 response with a Captcha Challenge.

        //validate here is mandatory
        .responseData { response in


When using Moya, make sure you explicitly implement validationType in your service implementation

extension MyService: TargetType {
    var validationType: ValidationType {
        let type = ValidationType.successAndRedirectCodes
        return type

The validationType attribute will make Moya call the .validate() function when handing the request to Alamofire.

The Captcha delegate

You can conform to the CaptchaDelegate protocol and handle manually the navigation of the Captcha View Controller

let dataDome = AlamofireInterceptor(captchaDelegate: self)

Implement conformence to the CaptchaDelegate protocol

import DataDomeSDK

extension AlamofireViewController: CaptchaDelegate {
    func present(captchaController controller: UIViewController) {
        present(controller, animated: true) {
            print("Captcha displayed")
    func dismiss(captchaController controller: UIViewController) {
        controller.dismiss(animated: true) {
            print("Captcha dismissed")

Cookies and URLRequest

If you are creating an instance of URLRequest and passing it to Alamofire Session Manager, make sure to hint iOS to handle cookies otherwise, you may experience captcha loops in the app.

var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpShouldHandleCookies = true

If you are creating an instance of URLRequest and passing it to Alamofire Session Manager, make sure to hint iOS to handle cookies otherwise, you may experience captcha loops in the app.

var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpShouldHandleCookies = true


SFCC support

When calling an SFCC endpoint, the captcha will be displayed according to different rules.

Please follow those 3 steps to get started:

  1. set DataDomeSDK.bypassHTTPAccept to true
  2. create a Redirector to manage redirections
    1. if the response's Location header contains a URL with a path containing DDUser-Challenge, cancel it
  3. add the redirector the the Alamofire Session


/// Stop the DataDome SDK from forcing the `Accept` header to `application/json`
DataDomeSDK.bypassHTTPAccept = true
/// An Alamofire Redirector will "intercept" all redirections
/// If the redirection is caused by a DataDome response, block it (aka. return `nil`)
let redirector = Redirector(behavior: .modify({ _, request, response in
  if let location = response.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "location"),
     let url = URL(string: location),
     url.pathComponents.contains("DDUser-Challenge") {
    return nil
return request
/// Add the redirector to the Alamofire Session
let alamofireSessionManager = Session(configuration: sessionManager.sessionConfiguration,
                                      interceptor: interceptor,
                                      redirectHandler: redirector)

What’s Next

Complete your integration by following the Configuration section on the main page