Apollo Integration

How to use the DataDome SDK with the Apollo Client for GraphQL

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Swift Package Manager

DataDomeApollo is available on Swift Package Manager. To get the SDK integrated in your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to "Xcode > File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency", select the target where to integrate DataDome
  2. Paste the following git URL in the search bar https://github.com/DataDome/datadome-apollo-package
  3. Select DataDomeApollo and press Add


DataDomeApollo is available on CocoaPods. Simply add the following line in your Podfile:

pod "DataDomeApollo"

Run pod install to download and integrate the framework into your project.


Deactivate the automtic interception

When using the DataDomeApollo SDK, you will need to deactivate the automatic interception.
To do so, add the following to your info.plist file.



We use the Interceptor pattern built in the Apollo SDK to make sure we intercept all requests and protect them. The following is the init of the DataDome Interceptor

import DataDomeApollo

let interceptor = DataDomeResponseInterceptor()

The interceptor could be used then in your pipeline. It will intercept all requests, catch requests blocked by DataDome, display the captcha and eventually retry the request automatically once the captcha is resolved.


The order in defining the interceptors is important in Apollo. Make sure the DataDome response Interceptor is the first interceptor after the NetworkFetchInterceptor.

Alternatively, you can use the DataDomeInterceptorProvider which is a pre-built sequence of interceptors ready to be used by your app. This provider is providing the same interceptors as the Legacy Interceptor provider. You can customise the interceptors to be added in the provider or use the default set.

private(set) lazy var apollo: ApolloClient = {
    // Create your own store needed to init the DataDomeInterceptor provider
    let cache = InMemoryNormalizedCache()
    let store = ApolloStore(cache: cache)
    // Use DataDomeURLSessionClient to enable updating the user-agent
    let client = DataDomeURLSessionClient()
    // Create the DataDome Interceptor Provider
    let provider = DataDomeInterceptorProvider(store: store, client: client)
    // Create your GraphQL URL
    guard let url = URL(string: "YOUR_ENDPOINT") else {
        fatalError("Unable to create url")
    let requestChainTransport = RequestChainNetworkTransport(interceptorProvider: provider,
                                                             endpointURL: url)
    // Create the client with the request chain transport
    return ApolloClient(networkTransport: requestChainTransport,
                        store: store)

In the above exemple we used the default configuration of DataDomeInterceptorProvider. You can specify custom interceptors using the following init method

/// Creates an interceptor provider with a setup instance of DataDome
/// - Parameters:
///   - store: The apollo store
///   - client: The URLSession client
///   - preFetchInterceptors: The list of interceptors to go before the fetch operation
///   - fetchInterceptor: The fetch operation
///   - postFetchInterceptors: The list of interceptors to go after the fetch operation
public init(store: ApolloStore,
            client: URLSessionClient,
            preFetchInterceptors: [ApolloInterceptor] = [],
            fetchInterceptor: ApolloInterceptor? = nil,
            postFetchInterceptors: [ApolloInterceptor] = [])

preFetchInterceptors is a set of interceptors to be added before firing the request. By default we add:

  • CacheReadInterceptor

fetchInterceptor is the interceptor that will execute the request. By default, we use:

  • NetworkFetchInterceptor

The DataDomeResponseInterceptor is then added to the chain just after the fetch interceptor.

postFetchInterceptors is a set of interceptors to be added after the fetch interceptor. By default we add:

  • ResponseCodeInterceptor
  • JSONResponseParsingInterceptor
  • AutomaticPersistedQueryInterceptor
  • CacheWriteInterceptor

What’s Next

Complete your integration by following the Configuration section on the main page