Android SDK Changelog

v1.13.9 (2024-07-26)

  • Optimize connectivity listener permissions in the challenge page.
  • Add support of connectivity listener for Android APIs < 21
  • Add a detection of StrictMode's penaltyDeath method

v1.13.8 (2024-07-19)

  • Fix ProGuard rule that was preventing JS callback retention, causing captcha resolution issues

v1.13.7 (2024-07-18)

  • Ensure that thedwsid SFCC cookie is always injected into Webview cookie manager before displaying captcha

v1.13.6 (2024-06-26)

  • fix captcha display issue for SFCC
  • improve debugging logs

v1.13.5 (2024-06-05)

  • Fix back button behavior for challenge display when singleTask launch mode is used

v1.13.4 (2024-05-17)

  • Improve payload exception handling
  • Fix captcha back behavior

v1.13.3 (2024-05-13)

  • Add support of Brotli compression

v1.13.2 (2024-04-25)

  • Optimize retry process performance.

v1.13.1 (2024-02-26)

  • Fix captcha display after a device-check verification.
  • Deprecate the clearDataDomeCookie method with a warning message to warn of its use in production
  • Add SFCC header parsing for response page type redirection

v1.13.0 (2024-01-30)

  • Add clearDataDomeCookie method
  • Support SFCC blocked response detection with 403 status code

v1.12.0 (2024-01-17)

  • Add support for Device Check response with invisible mode enabled
  • Fix the issue of retrying failed requests order

v1.11.0 (2023-10-23)

  • Customize the language of the DataDome response pages
  • Deprecate .agent method to set user-agent header

v1.10.1 (2023-09-25)

  • Improve cookie management using an in-memory cached cookie to limit read/write operations from disk storage
  • Fix mobile payload sending for allowed responses.


  • Kotlin plugin version >=1.3.50

v1.9.2 (2023-06-16)

  • Prevent NullPointerException from occurring on redirection responses (302) without a Location header

v1.9.1 (2023-06-14)

  • Prevent duplicate requests from being sent on retries when a captcha is canceled.
  • Enhance captcha Webview security by disabling potential exploitable methods.

v1.9.0 (2023-05-19)

  • Upgrade Android API level to 33
  • Upgrade Okhttp library version to 4.9.2 to fix CVE-2021-0341
  • Upgrade gson library version to 2.8.9 to fix CVE-2022-25647
  • Fix a closed response bug

v1.8.2 (2023-05-17)

  • Fix out-of-memory error on large HTTP responses

v1.8.1 (2023-04-21)

  • Code fixes to prevent null context exception
  • Remove Multidex
  • Code improvement

v1.8.0 (2023-03-06)

  • Support external cookie handling via CookieJar

v1.7.0 (2023-02-17)

  • Improve response validation process
  • Add optional verbose logger

v1.6.15 (2023-02-06)

  • Fix payload screen-size nullability

v1.6.14 (2023-01-04)

  • Reduce cookie storage latency

v1.6.13 (2022-11-24)

  • Fix captcha listener status when captcha is dismissed

v1.6.12 (2022-10-05)

  • SFCC module adaptations

v1.6.11 (2022-05-20)

  • Fixed captcha loop by filtering on invalid cookie

v1.6.10 (2022-02-08)

  • Fixed an issue with the event tracker.

v1.6.9 (2021-11-19)

  • Fixed an issue when running activity on single instance mode.

v1.6.8 (2021-11-19)

  • Expose getCookieWithAttributes function.

v1.6.7 (2021-11-12)

  • Added a new method to share the DataDome cookie with all attributes.

v1.6.6 (2021-08-06)

  • Remove any dependancies to jCenter.

v1.6.5 (2021-06-18)

  • Moved the SDK to Maven Central.

v1.6.4 (2021-05-20)

  • Fixed proguard dependencies in pom.xml

v1.6.3 (2021-04-27)

  • Release the SDK on Bintray is being discontinued by JFrog.

v1.6.2 (2020-11-03)

  • Fixed on bug occurring when navigating to an hypertext link in the captcha page while the android back button is disabled.

v1.6.1 (2020-07-29)

  • Fixed a crash occurring when updating cookies

v1.6.0 (2020-07-29)

  • Improved stability

v1.5.9 (2020-07-24)

  • Fixed a concurrency crash while storing locally generated cookies

v1.5.8 (2020-06-24)

  • Fixed a bug on the event tracker related to manual integration

v1.5.7 (2020-04-02)

  • Improved Android X and AppCompact compatibility

v1.5.6 (2020-03-31)

  • Improved lambda method

v1.5.5 (2020-02-06)

  • Improved cookie handling

v1.5.4 (2020-02-02)

  • Added enhancements for manual integration implementation

v1.5.3 (2020-01-15)

  • Introduced manual integration

v1.5.2 (2019-10-31)

  • Improved touch events method

v1.5.1 (2019-10-16)

  • Improved events for better bot detection

v1.5.0 (2019-10-10)

  • Added functionality for handling multiple requests
  • Added more improvements to Interceptor
  • Added more improvements to the retry functionality
  • Introduced customization for the back button's behavior on the Captcha page

v1.4.11 (2019-10-06)

  • Improved velocity tracking
  • Added enhancements for testing, obfuscation and size optimization

v1.4.10 (2019-08-27)

  • Improved the retry functionality

v1.4.9 (2019-08-02)

  • Improved delegate calls

v1.4.8 (2019-07-16)

  • Improved events handling

v1.4.7 (2019-07-03)

  • Improved dependencies

v1.4.6 (2019-05-22)

  • Added support for non-ASCII cookies

v1.4.5 (2019-05-14)

  • Improved event send

v1.4.4 (2019-04-11)

  • Improved headers compatibility

v1.4.3 (2019-04-10)

  • Removed Guava dependency
  • Improved cookie handling

v1.4.2 (2019-04-04)

  • Improved Interceptor compatibility
  • Added more improvements to events

v1.4.1 (2019-03-29)

  • Improved Interceptor integration
  • Improved events

v1.4.0 (2019-03-25)

  • Introduced improved cookie support
  • Introduced the option to disallow overriding the Accept header

v1.3.0 (2019-02-28)

  • Added Application Context support

v1.2.3 (2019-02-22)

  • Improved Interceptor performance

v1.2.2 (2019-01-23)

  • Modified cookie handling in DataDomeInterceptor

v1.2.1 (2019-01-16)

  • Introduced convenience tracking methods for touch events

v1.2.0 (2019-01-11)

  • Introduced DataDomeActivity integration
  • Introduced Interceptor integration

v1.1.0 (2018-12-14)

  • Modified DataDome SDK to be compatible with Android API 16+


  • Initial release