Protection & Endpoints

Learn how to manage endpoints.

1 - What is an endpoint?

An endpoint has 3 properties:

  • traffic source: it indicates the origin of the traffic directed to the endpoint
  • traffic usage: it indicates the functional context of the resources included in the endpoint, to separate different parts of your website and/or mobile app
  • name: a name of your choice, to identify the traffic directed to the endpoint in the dashboard


Fine-grained protection

DataDome uses the traffic source and traffic usage parameters to apply the right algorithms and detect specific threats.

We define the following values for the sources:

Web Browsersrequests coming from all Browsers (mobile or desktop) on websites or APIs
Mobile Appsrequests coming from mobile apps (iOS, Android) on APIs
APIsautomated requests coming from machine/scripts on APIs

We currently propose the following usages:

NameDescriptionExamplesHTTP methods
GeneralDefault endpoint type. All URLs that are not included in another endpoint
LoginLogin, account creation or forgot password
FormsAll URLs with forms, could be password forms, troubleshooting forms etc. Except the Account Creation form.
Account CreationAll URLs related to the account creation on a website/,
CartAll URLs related to the basket in e-commerce,
PaymentAll URLs related to the payment processing on e-commerce website/,
RSSRSS/Atom feeds fetched by a desktop application or an online

2 - How to manage endpoints?


Deleted endpoint visualization

If you just deleted an endpoint, you will be still able to see it in the analytics screens of the dashboard since this endpoint matches traffic during the last 30-days. After the 30-days, the corresponding deleted endpoint won't appear anymore on the analytics screens.


Default endpoint

By default, one endpoint is pre-set in your account: “Web (default)”.
The endpoint “Web (default)” cannot be reordered or deleted.

Go to Management > Endpoints

A list of endpoints connected to your account is displayed.
The endpoints are matched following the top-down order: for a given request, the first matched endpoint applies. Changing the order in the list implies a change in the matching priorities.

Admin view


Editor view

Protection status legend

Roles & actions

RoleAddEditReorderActivate/deactivate protectionActivate/deactivate detection

3 - Endpoint creation guidelines

Endpoint Creation screen

Endpoint Creation screen

The following fields are following PCRE regular expression syntax:

  • Domain
  • Path Inclusion
  • Path Exclusion
  • UA Inclusion

For example, here you can find a pattern of any relevant path for payment:


4 - How to analyze traffic?

The percentage of traffic is indicated for each endpoint. It includes normal users & bots and is calculated for the last 20 minutes.

You can analyze the endpoint’s traffic by clicking on Actions > View Traffic Details to display the following information:

  • An overview of the last 24 hours with the number of requests, URLs and IPs, the top 2 IP owners, and the top 3 UA.
  • The last 100 requests.

You can also analyze through the "Explore" view (Read more about the Explore view.