Salesforce Commerce Cloud

This DataDome module is to be used on Salesforce Commerce Cloud.


Why use this module?

The new SalesforceCommerceCloud cartridge has been designed to use newer features of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud API and enhance the protection.

  • Improved Architecture: This new cartridge makes the integration more secure, reliable, and better suited to modern security practices.
  • Simplified DataDome Client-Side Integration: This new cartridge reduces the complexity and improves the overall compatibility with DataDome client-side integrations.
  • Prioritized Maintenance: Moving forward, the SalesforceCommerceCloud cartridge will receive prioritized updates and support. This ensures ongoing improvements in security, performance, and ease of use, while the old cartridge will see limited future development.


The DataDome cartridge has been tested on:

  • SFRA v7.0.0
  • SiteGenesis v105.0.0
  • All with Compatibility Mode v21.2


Migration from the SFCC cartridge


If you installed the previous cartridge:

Skip this page and follow these instructions: How to migrate from SFCC cartridge to SalesforceCommerceCloud



  1. Download the DataDome cartridges
    It contains the following files and directories:
    • int_datadome_bot_protect
    • datadome_bot_protect_sg_changes
    • datadome_bot_protect_sfra_changes

Upload the cartridges

  1. Navigate to: Administration > Site Development > Code Deployment.
  2. Create a new Code version.
  3. Click on the version ID you have just created.
    This version summary will give you a WebDAV link to upload your cartridges.
    Note that DataDome cartridges should be uploaded to the root folder of your version.

Version summary

Upload the metadata

  1. Navigate to: Administration > Site development > Site Import & Export.
  2. From the archive, upload the file.
  3. Select instance/ and click on Import to complete the import process.
  4. You can check the import status at the bottom of the page.

Upload status

Register the cartridges

  1. Navigate to the following path: Administration dropdown > Sites > Manage Sites > Merchant Site > Settings.

  2. Add the cartridge names to the Cartridges path, depending on your architecture:

    • For SiteGenesis: datadome_bot_protect_sg_changes:int_datadome_bot_protect: at the beginning of the Cartridges field.

    Cartridge path for SiteGenesis

    Cartridge path for SiteGenesis

    • For SFRA: datadome_sfra_changes:int_datadome: at the beginning of the Cartridges field.

    Cartridge path for SFRA

    Cartridge path for SFRA

Configure the service

  1. Navigate to: Administration > Operations > Services.
  2. Make sure the import was successful: the following will be added.
DataDome service

DataDome service

Configure the metadata

  1. Navigate to Site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > DataDome Bot Protect Configurations


  1. Enter your the server-side and client-side keys for DataDome APIs.
API keys for DataDome

API keys for DataDome

  1. Save the configuration.

Congrats! You can now see your traffic in your DataDome dashboard.


The configuration is found under Site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > DataDome Bot Protect Configurations.

Refer to the Settings section below for the full list of possible configuration settings.


SettingDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
Enable DataDome Bot Protect CartridgeEnables/disables the DataDome Bot Protect cartridge YesYes
DataDome Server-side API KeyYour DataDome server-side key, found in your dashboardYes
DataDome URL Pattern Exclusion RegexRegular expression to exclude matching paths from DataDome protectionNo
DataDome URL Pattern Inclusion RegexRegular expression to include URLs in the DataDome analyzed trafficNo
DataDome Client-side API KeyYour DataDome client-side key, found in your dashboardNo
DataDome Client-side OptionsJSON object describing options for the JS Tag
Do not add sfcc: true
DataDome JS Tag URLURL to retrieve the DataDome JS Tag file. Update this value when using a first-party host.No
DataDome JS Tag EndpointURL to post payloads generated by the JS Tag. Update this value when using a first-party host.No
DataDome Log LevelLevel of DataDome LogsNoInfo