

HaProxy minimum version

Lua HTTP client was introduced in 2.5 and is fully operational for this module in 2.8.3 - changelog


You can check the version of HAProxy by running:

$ haproxy -v
HAProxy version 2.8.10-f28885f 2024/06/14 -
Status: long-term supported branch - will stop receiving fixes around Q2 2028.
Known bugs:
Running on: Linux 5.15.0-1066-aws #72~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 18 10:41:27 UTC 2024 x86_64

You can validate the version of Lua by running:

$ haproxy -vv
HAProxy version 2.8.10-f28885f 2024/06/14 -
Built with Lua version : Lua 5.4.7



About timestamps in Lua

By default, Lua generates timestamps with a second-level precision and a dependency on lua-socket is required to support millisecond precision. This enables better latency measures on the Protection API.

The lua-socket package can be installed using:

apt install lua-socket -y

The presence of this package will be detected by Lua during runtime, no further action is required to improve time measurements.


You need to follow the steps below:

  1. Download the latest DataDome module from this link here and extract it in your HAProxy configuration directory.
    The archive includes the following files:
  • datadome.lua: a Lua script that handles the transformation of the HTTP request
  • core/helper.lua: Lua scripts to manipulate strings and HTTP Requests
  • haproxy.cfg: Example file of a working configuration
  1. Edit the HAProxy configuration file and set DATADOME_SERVERSIDE_API_KEY with your own API server key provided by DataDome. You can find this key inside our dashboard.
  2. Update your HAProxy configuration file by replacing <PATH> with the actual path where you placed the file, and setting the different blocks needed:
  3. Add the request/response hook as in the example below
    httpclient.timeout.connect 150ms
    httpclient.retries 0
    # Edit Path here
    lua-load-per-thread <PATH>/datadome.lua

    set-var proc.Datadome_key str("DATADOME_SERVERSIDE_API_KEY") # Set your serverside key here


# Example of frontend which will be protected
frontend http
    # Insert these lines on each frontend you want to protect
    # Here check uri is not in exclusion path
    acl excluded_files path_reg -i .\.(avi|flv|mka|mkv|mov|mp4|mpeg|mpg|mp3|flac|ogg|ogm|opus|wav|webm|webp|bmp|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png|svg|svgz|swf|eot|otf|ttf|woff|woff2|css|less|jsf|js|map)$
    http-request lua.Datadome_request_hook if !excluded_files
    http-response lua.Datadome_response_hook
    # Insert this line before all default_backend / use_backend directives
    use_backend failure_backend if { var(txn.dd.status) -m str blocked }
    default_backend [...]

# Backend to serve the "challenged page"
backend failure_backend
    mode http
    http-request    use-service     lua.failure_service


Keep the failure_backend declaration first

HAProxy is using backends in the order they are defined in the configuration file.

backend failure_backend should remain first in order to be used by HAProxy when a request is blocked by DataDome. If not, blocked requests will be let through and reach the backend you defined in priority.

All of these rules are evaluated in their declaration order, and the first one which matches will
assign the backend. (HAProxy Reference documentation)


SettingsDescriptionDefault ValueRequiredFile
DataDome_Key (*haproxy.cfg)Your DataDome server-side key - Available inside our dashboardYeshaproxy.cfg
EndpointURL of the closest endpoint.
More info here
TimeoutAPI request timeout for reused connections in ms150msOptionaldatadome.lua


How can I have DataDome response status in the log?

  • For each request protected by DataDome, the txn.dd.x_datadome_response contains the value of the HTTP response API
  • If there is an issue in the call to Datadome, the variable txn.dd.error contains the error code and details.
  • the main errors are as follow:
    • 400 - Bad Request (Invalid DataDome Key ?)
    • 504 - API Server times out
    • 503 - Invalid response from API Server

How can I get Bot Name, RuleType and Bot/Human flags in my application?

It is possible to specify a Log-Format to log the returned Datadome Headers
Some headers returned by the API are:

  • X-DataDome-botname
  • X-DataDome-ruletype
  • X-DataDome-isbot
  • X-DataDome-requestid
  • ...
    and can be logged using the method lua.ddHeaders as follow
log-format "X-DataDome-botname: %{+Q}[lua.ddHeaders(X-DataDome-botname)] | X-DataDome-family: %{+Q}[lua.ddHeaders(X-DataDome-ruletype)] | X-DataDome-isbot: %{+Q}[lua.ddHeaders(X-DataDome-isbot)] | %{+Q}[lua.ddHeaders(X-DataDome-requestid)]"

You can find more information here.

How can I exclude files from DataDome protection?

In the Haproxy configuration, option to call DataDome is managed by an HAProxy ACL.
Default ACL is as follow

acl excluded_files path_reg -i .\.(avi|flv|mka|mkv|mov|mp4|mpeg|mpg|mp3|flac|ogg|ogm|opus|wav|webm|webp|bmp|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png|svg|svgz|swf|eot|otf|ttf|woff|woff2|css|less|jsf|js|map)$

It can be completed by custom rules / other ACLs

How do I restore the Referer request header after a challenge is passed?

After passing a DataDome challenge on browsers other than Firefox, the referrer value is updated to the current URL which can lead to inconsistent results in website analytics.

Since version 1.1.0, it is possible to restore the Referer header to its original value for your backend:

  • Contact our support team, they will review your requirements and provide you with the best recommendations.
  • Set the boolean value of restore_referrer in DATADOME_API_CONFIG option to true in the datadome.luafile.
local DATADOME_API_CONFIG = helpers.activate({
  restore_referrer = true

How can I log processing time and total time?

  • Processing Time :txn.dd.ptime
    The processing time is the latency added by the Bot protection, defined in ms (milliseconds).
    Its measurement start when the request is received in the HaProxy frontend, and stops when a response is received from the DataDome Protection API.
  • Total Time: txn.dd.ttime
    The total time is the processing time, plus the time spent by HaProxy to enrich DataDome headers in the response to the end-user.
    As adding headers is performant in HaProxy, time added to the processing time is measured in ยตs (microseconds) and can be considered negligeable. In most case, txn.dd.ptime and txn.dd.ttime will have the same value.

Logging these values is done by adding them to the log-format in the haproxy.cfg file as follow:

log-format "ptime=%{+Q}[var(txn.dd.ptime)] ttime=%{+Q}[var(txn.dd.ttime)]"